Lasting Legacy - Pacific Forest Trust

Create a Lasting Legacy for America's Forests

With a bequest or other estate gift to Pacific Forest Trust, you ensure that future generations receive the benefits of conserved working forests: wood, water, wildlife, and a healthy climate.

Join the Forest Trust Society

The Forest Trust Society honors individuals who name Pacific Forest Trust in their will or estate plans. When you make our organization part of your legacy, you join a growing number of visionary supporters who are committed to saving America’s forests for all the benefits they provide.

Let us know your plans: If you have already included us in your estate plans, please contact us so that we may thank you and welcome you into the Forest Trust Society.

Your Legacy for America’s Forests: Ways to Give

We can work with you and your estate advisor to determine the gift that’s appropriate to your situation and goals.


We hope you’ll consider including a gift to the Pacific Forest Trust in your will or living trust. Bequests may include:

Specific Bequests: You can name PFT as the direct beneficiary of a stated amount from your estate.

Residuary Bequests: You can designate PFT to receive all or a portion of the remainder of your estate after specific bequests are met.

Contingent Bequests: You can name PFT as a contingent beneficiary if your individual beneficiaries do not survive you.

The following is sample bequest language for including the Pacific Forest Trust in your estate plans:

Unrestricted Bequest:

I give [__ percent of my estate, or description of asset, or ____ dollars] to the Pacific Forest Trust (Tax ID #68-0292509), located in San Francisco, California, to be used for general support.

Restricted Bequest:

I give [__ percent of my estate, description of asset, or ____ dollars] to be used for the benefit of the Pacific Forest (Tax ID #68-0292509), located in San Francisco, California, to be used for [include a specific purpose]. However, if said purpose no longer exists, then it may be used as the Board of Directors of the Pacific Forest Trust determines.


Charitable Remainder Trusts are set up to provide income to beneficiaries for a set period of time or up to 20 years from the creation date. After this set period or after the life of the individual(s) named in the trust, the remaining balance will be gifted to PFT. In addition to the income this type of gift provides, it may also provide a charitable income tax deduction and allow capital gains tax savings. There are two different types of charitable remainder trusts: an annuity trust which delivers annual income at a fixed amount or a unitrust which will have annual payouts based on the current value of the trust.

Life Estate Gift allows you to transfer your residence, farm, or vacation home to PFT, while continuing to live on the property for life or a specified term of years. You will receive a gift credit and an immediate income tax deduction for a portion of the appraised value of your property.

Consult your financial advisor and consider making a legacy gift to support Pacific Forest Trust.


You can also support forests with gifts of stocks and bonds, gifts of insurance, testamentary life-income gifts, or retirement plan gifts. Please contact us so we can assist you with your specific needs.


We are here to help. We will work with you and your advisors to plan a gift that is best suited to your financial and estate needs while honoring your legacy.

Contact Us:

(415) 561-0700

Pacific Forest Trust
1001-A O’Reilly Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94129