April 16, 2019
Pacific Forest Trust announces Springs for Life™ – ForestWater Alliance™ initiative
Jason Gohlke, Pacific Forest Trust, 415-561-0700 ext. 17, communications@pacificforest.org
San Francisco, Calif. (April 16, 2019) – Pacific Forest Trust (PFT) is proud to announce the launch of a new initiative, Springs for Life™ – ForestWater Alliance™ — with Crystal Geyser Water Company as its founding partner. Together, through this partnership, they will work to protect and restore critical forested headwaters where pure, natural springs are sources of drinking water for many millions of people as well as wildlife.
In a hotter, drier world created by climate change, these forest watersheds need our help. And we need theirs, to keep supplying life-giving water. Drought, extreme wildfire, misguided management, and poorly maintained roads—as well as residential and other building in key watersheds—threaten source springs. Since its establishment in 1993, Pacific Forest Trust has conserved more than 275,000 acres of vital forest watersheds in California, Oregon, and Washington. Their efforts have helped to protect the natural spring sources that provide clean water critical to people, farms, recreation, and wildlife.
For Crystal Geyser Water, being the founding partner of the ForestWater Alliance is a significant commitment — from a beverage company whose primary resource is water — to join with a trusted and highly successful conservation organization to protect natural springs. As a healthy beverage company for over 40 years in California, Crystal Geyser believes this initiative speaks directly to the values of their loyal customers. In 1977 two entrepreneurs sought to build a company whose foundation for all its beverages would be purity of the water, taste, and all-natural ingredients. “Crystal Geyser is very proud to continue the legacy of our founders by pioneering a new venture in conservation,” says Yasu Iwamoto, CEO of Crystal Geyser Water Company. “We hope that other companies who rely on water as a resource will join us in supporting Springs for Life.”
“Working together with landowners, government agencies, local communities and businesses like Crystal Geyser, Pacific Forest Trust is able to leverage the resources needed to achieve our common goals for healthy forest watersheds and water security for people,” says PFT President and CEO Laurie Wayburn. “We are grateful for Crystal Geyser’s leadership in helping us launch the Springs for Life initiative, and we look forward to engaging more businesses as partners in the ForestWater Alliance.”
Most Americans depend on forested watersheds for their water supplies. Forests play a critical role in protecting source springs and the quality of their water. Forests filter the water, regulate flows, keep streambanks stable and help replenish groundwater. While most people know their water supply depends on the gray infrastructure of dams and pipes, they may not realize that their water comes from forested watersheds behind the dams — and that this crucial green infrastructure needs protection for the security of water supplies.
Photos: Find photos of PFT’s forest watershed conservation projects at https://adobe.ly/2UCmFrj.
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