Latin Name: Cervus elaphus roosevelti
Status: No special status
Population: Found in rain forests of the Pacific Northwest
Primary Diet: Grasses and sedges
Weight: 400-1100 pounds
Length: Between 6–10 feet
About the Roosevelt Elk
Named after President Theodore Roosevelt, Roosevelt elk are a conservation success story in the rain forests of the Pacific Northwest.
When conservation efforts began to protect Roosevelt elk, there were only a few hundred members of the species left. Today, there are thousands of Roosevelt elk across the Pacific Northwest. In order to maintain their large size, Roosevelt elk are very adaptable grazers.
Males grow new antlers every year between April and August. Females typically give birth to a single calf at a time, and calves are able to stand and nurse within an hour of being born.
For more information: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photography: Image #1 – Ken Lund, Image #2 – Wikimedia, pnwnature.
How you can help this species
The Roosevelt elk needs your help to preserve its natural habitat. Together, with Pacific Forest Trust and our network of partners, we can all protect the spaces this species needs to survive.
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Conservation PROJECTS WITH
Roosevelt Elk HABITATS
The Pacific Forest Trust is dedicated to preserving natural habitats and forest systems where these animals can thrive. Explore some of our conservation projects and easements in and around the Roosevelt elk habitat.