Pacific Tailed Frog

Quick Facts
Latin Name: Ascaphus truei
Status: Threatened
Population: Northwestern Washington and British Columbia
Diet: Insects
Length: 1-2 inches
About the Pacific Tailed Frog
Pacific tailed frogs are small frogs endemic of the Pacific Northwest. They are typically tan or brownish in color and have flat, wide feet.
The “tail” of the Pacific tailed frog is found only on males and is actually used to insert sperm into females during mating. Because streams are the preferred habitat for these frogs, this tail-like adaptation prevents sperm from being washed downstream.
Tadpoles take between 2-5 years to mature into adults. They are also equipped with suction-like mouths to help them latch onto rocks, which is useful for not being swept away in their stream environment. Unlike many other species of frog, Pacific tailed frogs are voiceless and do not make calls of any kind.
For more information: B.C. Frogwatch Program and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Photography: Image #1 by Wikimedia, and Image #2 by Mokele.
The Pacific tailed frog lives in the following habitats:
The Pacific tailed frog needs your help to preserve its natural habitat. Together, with Pacific Forest Trust and our network of partners, we can all protect the spaces this species needs to survive.