Great Gray Owl - Pacific Forest Trust

Great Gray Owl

Great Gray Owl

Quick Facts

Latin Name: Strix nebulosa

Status: Endangered (California’s Endangered Species Act)

Population: Sierra Nevada, Canada, northern Europe, and Siberia

Diet: Voles, gophers, and other small mammals

Weight: 1.7-3.2 pounds

Length: Between 24-33 inches

About the Great Gray Owl

The great gray owl is a large owl with gray feathers, a large head, and relatively small eyes. Like most owl species, great gray owls are nocturnal and hunt at night. In order to capture prey, great gray owls will perch in a tree and wait for disturbances on the ground, which they are able to see with their excellent eyesight.

Found generally in colder climates, great gray owls are common in the Sierra Nevada, the forests of Canada, and throughout much of Siberia.

Females are generally bigger than males and lay 2-5 eggs during mating season. When the young hatch from their eggs, the males hunt and provide food for the females while the females rip the food into shreds and feed it to the hatchlings. Great gray owls can be very aggressive when defending their nesting sites. They have a relatively long lifespan, with members in captivity living up to 40 years old.

For more information: The Cornell Lab of Ornithology



 The great gray owl needs your help to preserve its natural habitat. Together, with Pacific Forest Trust and our network of partners, we can all protect the spaces this species needs to survive.

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Conservation PROJECTS WITH
Great Gray Owl HABITATS

Pacific Forest Trust is dedicated to preserving natural habitats and forest systems where animals can thrive. Explore some of our conservation projects and easements in and around great gray owl habitat.