Press Releases
CA Wildlife Conservation Board Funds Bear Creek Working Forest Project
This conservation easement will conserve 8,230 acres in the key watershed region that supplies the majority of California’s water.
Conserving Californias Water at its Forest Source
New report outlines need for safeguarding primary watershed serving 22 million Californians from Mount Shasta to Los Angeles
New Shasta-Siskiyou Forest Conservation Project to Conserve Key CA Watershed
New Shasta-Siskiyou forest conservation project to conserve key California watershed
New Forest Project to Greatly Expand Conservation of Pristine McCloud River, Water Tap to 25 Million Californians
18,100 acres of working forests will remain as productive forestland and support local economies while supplying clean water for the state.
PFT Statement on Revised Federal Plan for Threatened Owl Recovery
Revised plan hits the mark with new recognition of role private lands can play in northern spotted owl recovery
Public-Private Partnership Conserves Sierra Valley Ranches
Conservation corridor protects working landscapes and nationally significant California watershed region
Californias Landmark Climate Regulations Embrace Forests as Key Tool for Reducing Carbon Emissions
Nation’s first economy-wide Cap and Trade program will be first compliance carbon market in the world to accept forest carbon emissions reductions
BLM Acquires Key Lands for Conservation at Heart of Oregon’s Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument
The Pacific Forest Trust (PFT) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), today announced the conservation of approximately 300 acres that have been purchased from willing sellers and added to the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument (CSNM), the nation’s first monument created solely for the preservation of biodiversity.
PFT Honors U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) and Lyme Timber Company’s Peter Stein at Forest Fete 2010: Roots & Revelry
Senator Merkley and Stein Lauded as Champions of America’s Forest Landscapes
‘All Lands’ Approach Key for Northern Spotted Owl Recovery
PFT supports proposed revision to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service plan for species recovery