Blog - Pacific Forest Trust


Forest Flash: March 2021

Forest Flash: March 2021

In this issue: Wildlife and Water, Celebrating Community, and New Partnerships for Forests

Forest Fete 2021

Forest Fete 2021

Forest Fete is Pacific Forest Trust’s largest annual gathering to inspire, engage and enhance our sense of community, and celebrate innovative achievements and partnerships.

Forest Flash: February 2021

Forest Flash: February 2021

In this issue: Older Forests as Key Climate Solution, Mt Ashland Forest Climate Resilience Project, and Compliance Offsets Task Force Report

Forest Flash: January 2021

Forest Flash: January 2021

In this issue: Building New Fire Policy in CA, Growing the Leadership Cohort at PFT, and ‘P.E.T.’ Projects

Forest Flash: Forests, Fires and Climate Change: Choices Ahead

Forest Flash: Forests, Fires and Climate Change: Choices Ahead

Fires, Forests, and Climate Change: Choices Ahead Orange skies. Ash-filled air. Tens of thousands of people evacuated. Hundreds of thousands of wildlife killed. Each year over the past two decades, our fires have become more widespread, affected more people, wildlife...

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Communications Manager
(415) 561-0700 x. 17

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