Blog - Pacific Forest Trust


Donor profile: Andrea Tuttle, PhD

Donor profile: Andrea Tuttle, PhD

We talked with Dr. Andrea Tuttle, former Chair of the PFT Board of Directors, about her role in our organization over the past 14 years.

PFT on Video

PFT on Video

25 years ago, we set out to occupy the “radical middle.” Watch where we’ve been and where we’re going.

McCloud Soda Springs Protected

McCloud Soda Springs Protected

Previously slated for development, McCloud Soda Springs Working Forest is now permanently conserved for wood, water, and wildlife.

WCB grants PFT $590,000 for McCloud Soda Springs Working Forest project

WCB grants PFT $590,000 for McCloud Soda Springs Working Forest project

On May 24th, the Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) of California’s Department of Fish & Wildlife awarded a $590,000 grant to Pacific Forest Trust’s McCloud Soda Springs Working Forest project, completing the funding needed to conserve this outstanding working forest property.

Op Ed: Invest in watershed improvements, not taller dams

Op Ed: Invest in watershed improvements, not taller dams

There is broad consensus that California’s water challenges are only going to get worse as climate change continues. In this era of global warming, we need new approaches to help solve our water problems. New built infrastructure proposals ignore the least expensive and most effective means of increasing water security: restoring watersheds.

Forest Fete 2018

Forest Fete 2018

Friends and colleagues gathered on April 27, 2018 at the elegant Julia Morgan Ballroom in downtown San Francisco for Forest Fete, the premiere forest event of the year, to celebrate Pacific Forest Trust’s 25th Anniversary.

Mountcrest Working Forest Protected

Mountcrest Working Forest Protected

After 5 years of collaboration, a broad partnership has protected the 2,085-acre Mountcrest Working Forest near Ashland, Oregon.

Media Contacts

Communications Manager
(415) 561-0700 x. 17

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