Blog - Pacific Forest Trust


Forest Fete 2019

Forest Fete 2019

Forests’ vital role in solving our existential climate crisis was front and center at our 2019 Forest Fete. See video and photos from this lively celebration.

Joint Informational Hearing: Wildfire Impacts on Watershed Lands

Joint Informational Hearing: Wildfire Impacts on Watershed Lands

At a joint hearing of California Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 3 on Resources and the Transportation and Assembly Committee on Natural Resources, PFT President Laurie Wayburn testified on the use of natural infrastructure restoration to increase water storage and climate adaptation.

Black Butte Working Forest Conserved

Black Butte Working Forest Conserved

PFT and the Michigan-California Timber Company have partnered with CAL FIRE to permanently protect the iconic landscape at Black Butte Working Forest, at the foot of Mount Shasta.

2018: An exciting and exploratory year for the Van Eck Forests

2018: An exciting and exploratory year for the Van Eck Forests

It’s been an exciting, exploring, and productive year thus far for the van Eck forests, our living laboratories on 9,400 acres of highly productive forest in California and Oregon. These forests are a proving ground for demonstrating the synergy of ecologic and economic gains, benefitting wildlife, water and climate, implementing cutting edge forest management, and building the asset and delivering solid financial returns.

ForestLife Summer 2018: PFT news & insight

ForestLife Summer 2018: PFT news & insight

In this issue: Pioneering progress on forests & climate; PFT conserves working forests in Oregon & California; an emerging industry standard in watershed health; and more.

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Communications Manager
(415) 561-0700 x. 17

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