For love of the land and heritage: Phillips Family Tree Farm
Read about Gary Hendrix and family – creative, conscientious stewardship through six generations!
Meet Pacific Forest Trust’s valuable volunteers
It’s been said that Pacific Forest Trust “punches above our weight class”—our impact belies our size. One reason for that is the pro bono help we are fortunate to receive from legal, regulatory, and scientific experts. Learn about two of our crucial volunteers inside.
President’s Letter: Spring 2020 Forest Life
A message from PFT’s President, Laurie A. Wayburn.
2019 Annual Report
PFT is pioneering new and effective approaches to managing and conserving forests for their climate services, amongst other values. Read about all about that and other highlights of PFT’s work in 2019 inside.
Forest Flash: Rising Resilient in a Time of Crisis
In Pacific Forest Trust’s e-newsletter, Forest Flash, we send you the most recent PFT news and updates on forests, clean water, climate, and wildlife, no more than once or twice a month. In this issue: Rising Resilient in a Time of Crisis.
PFT supports Oregon climate bill SB 1530
On February 11, 2020, PFT submitted a letter to express our strong support for SB 1530, a bill in the Oregon Legislature which will reduce climate emissions in Oregon and invest in forests and other natural and working lands.
Forest Flash: Climate progress in 2020, and encouraging conservation and connectivity
In Pacific Forest Trust’s e-newsletter, Forest Flash, we send you the most recent PFT news and updates on forests, clean water, climate, and wildlife, no more than once or twice a month. In this issue: Climate progress in 2020, and encouraging conservation and connectivity.
Forest Flash special edition
In Pacific Forest Trust’s e-newsletter, Forest Flash, we send you the most recent PFT news and updates on forests, clean water, climate, and wildlife, no more than once or twice a month. In this special year-end edition: Save the date for Forest Fete; a chance to double your gift; and a warm welcome and event in Portland.
Forest Flash December 2019: Working Forest Conservation Easements work!
In Pacific Forest Trust’s e-newsletter, Forest Flash, we send you the most recent PFT news and updates on forests, clean water, climate, and wildlife, no more than once or twice a month. In this month’s update: Working Forest Conservation Easements work, action needed for Elliott State Forest, and making the match for forests.
Taking action to protect Elliott State Forest
PFT is urging the Oregon State Land Board to protect Elliott State Forest under a Working Forest Conservation Easement. Find out more and take action inside.
Science on Tap with Laurie Wayburn: Forests and Climate
PFT President Laurie Wayburn was the featured speaker at Science on Tap on November 19, 2019 in Portland, Oregon. Watch her presentation on forests and climate here.
Forest Flash November 2019: Thankful for forests and those who protect them
In Pacific Forest Trust’s e-newsletter, Forest Flash, we send you the most recent PFT news and updates on forests, clean water, climate, and wildlife, no more than once or twice a month. In this month’s update: PFT goes on the road, a match update, and a new study on the benefits of old growth.
Leaders on Pacific Forest Trust
Watch a video of forest and climate leaders talking about Pacific Forest Trust and our effective work for forests and climate since 1993.
Working Forest Conservation Easements 101
Working forest conservation easements allow private landowners to permanently conserve their forests for a variety of public benefits while keeping them in private ownership. Find out more about this form of conservation easement pioneered by PFT to keep working forests working and to protect their benefits to wildlife, water, climate, and the economy.
PFT’s comments to the Oregon Governor’s Council on Wildfire Response
Since January, when Oregon Governor Kate Brown created the Governor’s Council on Wildfire Response, PFT has been an active participant in two of its committees. Read PFT’s public comments from the Council’s meeting on September 26, 2019.