WCB Climate Adaptation and Resilience Program
Climate Adaptation and Resilience Program Planning for Species Adaptation and Climate Resilience in California's Primary Source Headwaters This project is intended to provide a basis for adaptation and resilience planning in 7 million acres across 8 counties that...
Online Auction 2020 Thank You
PFT thanks our online auction participants.
Forest Flash: Schoolkids Take the Lead; Oregon Forest Focus; Major New Headwaters Project
HOPES for Endangered Species The Sierra Nevada Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes necator) is one of the most endangered animals on the planet, with a population of under 100. Their plight attracted the attention of two fifth-grade students at Glenwood Elementary School in Lake...
JPR Interview
PFT President, Laurie Wayburn, was recently interviewed on Jefferson Public Radio’s daily talk show, The Jefferson Exchange.
Forest Flash: Solving the Climate Crisis, Oregon Advances Stream Protections, and Safe Harbors in Summer
In this issue: Our Climate in Crisis: PFT is Providing Solutions, Summertime, and the Livin’ is Easy (if you are a Bear in a Safe Harbor!), and Oregon Advances Improved Streamside Management — on to the Severance Tax?
Online Auction 2020
Pacific Forest Trust Online Auction, August 12th-14th, 2020.
Forest Flash: Climate and Economic Recovery – An Essential Partnership
In this issue: Climate and Economic Recovery: An Essential Partnership, Of Bees and Beavers, and Drinking well, Doing good: Cheers to our Wonderful Working Forests!
Op Ed: Forests can help boost California’s economic recovery
Forests can help boost California’s economic recovery By Laurie Wayburn - May 13, 2020 As California begins its recovery from the COVID-19 crisis, the Legislature has a short window to simultaneously address both our current economic losses and ongoing climate...
Forest Flash: springing into stewardship!
In this issue: springing into stewardship, Forest Fete 2020, and PFT’s 2019 Annual Report.
ForestLife Spring 2020
Six generations of stewardship at Phillips Family Tree Farm; Oregon makes history; an alliance for forests and water; the benefits of carbon offsets; Yosemite rises from the ashes; safeguarding our water; and more!
Safeguarding California’s water supply, the natural way
California is in a drought, again. Restoring our watershed infrastructure to improve water security is cost-effective and has many co-benefits. Learn how we can do it inside.
Rising from the ashes: restoration at Yosemite
PFT’s holdings on the border of Yosemite National Park, burned by the Ferguson fire, will soon be teeming with new growth! Read about our work to restore this landscape inside.
Forest carbon offsets: making a difference now and in the long run
Forest carbon offsets, pioneered as a compliance tool under AB 32 and perhaps the best-known forest emissions reductions tool, are an important part of the forest climate solutions portfolio. Learn more inside.
Growing our alliance for forests & water
We are pleased to announce a new partner in our Springs for Life ForestWater Alliance! Find out more inside.
Governor’s historic Executive Order moves Oregon forward on climate
The Governor of Oregon has made an historic Executive Order, propelling Oregon forward in the climate policy. Read more inside.