Butte Creek Meadows
Working Forest Conservation Easement
Straddling the divide between the Klamath and the Sacramento River Basins, Butte Creek Meadows is home to headwaters that provide cold, clear water for people and an abundance of wildlife, including endangered salmon.
For more than 150 years, the Hart family has owned and managed Butte Creek Meadows, a 3,468 acre ranch, located on the northeastern slopes of Mt. Shasta in the heart of the Klamath-Cascade region. The family recognized the land’s unique ecological value early on, carefully balancing their timber and cattle operations to protect water sources and wildlife habitat, while enhancing the land’s natural beauty and resources.
We partnered with the Hart family to establish a working forest conservation easement to permanently conserve all of Butte Creek Meadows, ensuring sustainable management of the land for generations to come. The conservation easement will prevent the future break up or development of the ranch, support the family’s outstanding cattle and timber management practices, and protect the abundant water, diverse forests, and intact, rare wet meadow system on the property. Conservation of Butte Creek Meadows also secures a strategically important wildlife corridor which connects the Shasta-Trinity National Forest and the Klamath National Forest, and enhances habitat for imperiled species such as the northern spotted owl and the Pacific fisher.
The Harts were inspired to protect this land by recalling the sacrifices made by their ancestor, Louisa Hart, who journeyed by boat from New York and rode a mule across the Isthmus of Panama carrying her two diaper-clad sons to make Hart Ranch and Butte Creek Meadows her home. She stewarded the land with tenacity until her death at age 87. Today, Butte Creek Meadows is owned by Susan and Blair Hart, their daughter Alexandra, Blair’s sister, Laura Hyde, Blair’s cousins, Pam Piemme and Mary Silva, as well as Mary’s husband Tocho Silva.
Meet the Harts
From left to right:
Blair, Alex, and Susan Hart
“A conservation easement makes it financially possible for us to continue good stewardship. This is our contribution to California’s forests and wildlife. You do it because it’s the right thing to do.”
– Susan Hart
Connecting a Larger Forest Landscape
From Louisa Hart through six successive generations who have worked the property, the family members see the ranch as more than just a piece of land but rather a part of a larger landscape with important ecological, economic, and human benefits.

Butte Creek Meadows is surrounded by the Shasta-Trinity and Klamath National Forests in the heart of the Klamath-Cascade region. By permanently protecting the property with a working forest conservation easement, the landowners contributed important gains for the economy and environment in Siskiyou County, CA. This region provides a majority of California’s drinking water, is the center of the timber industry, and is a home to one of the world’s most diverse conifer forests. We are proud partners of the Butte Creek Meadows property owners who have long stewarded the land and publicly declared that they are dedicated to do their part to conserve and sustain this vital, productive forest landscape.