by Pacific Forest Trust | Nov 30, 2015 | Blog, Climate Change, Featured Stories, Leaflet Fall 2015
California and Pacific Forest Trust leverage forests for a safer climate, setting the global standard for forests in climate policy and carbon offset projects. Discover how we advanced climate solutions, advocating for the role forests play, ahead of the 2015 Climate Talks in Paris.
by Pacific Forest Trust | Aug 1, 2015 | Annual Reports, Publications
The accomplishments in this 2014 Annual Report are ours to celebrate together! Thank you for joining us in our effort to protect the wood, wildlife, water, and wonder that forests provide.
by Pacific Forest Trust | Aug 1, 2015 | Publications
In this issue: An awe-inspiring letter from our President; the Growing Role for Forests in Climate Change Policy; a virtual tour of the Pacific Crest Trail; and more!
by Pacific Forest Trust | Apr 1, 2015 | Newsletters
In this issue: Bringing a Landscape Back to Life; How Climate Change Influences Species Movement…or Not; Conserving & Connecting Sierra Valley, the Largest Alpine Wetland in the U.S.; and Forest Carbon Offsets: Time for A National Standard?
by Pacific Forest Trust | Sep 27, 2014 | Publications
In this issue: Fixing our dry forests; great forest stewardship is key for wet meadows; stepping up to the climate challenge; and more!
by Pacific Forest Trust | Jun 1, 2014 | Annual Reports
After two decades working in favor of wood, water, wildlife, and a healthy climate, PFT is still in love with forests—few other resources offer such beauty and bounty. Together, we’re building partnerships, policies, and incentives for forests and you.