2021 in Brief
1. Accreditation
PFT was honored to receive its third accreditation from the Land Trust Accreditation Commission. Amongst the first applicants for accreditation, PFT is recognized for its quality implementation in all three accreditation areas: fee title acquisition, conservation easement acquisition, and stewardship.
2. Mt. Ashland Demonstration Forest
PFT made major strides in acquiring the 1100-acre Mt. Ashland Demonstration Forest from Chinook Partners, the landowner. Grants were made by the Land Trust Alliance and Oregon Community Foundation, as well as a conditional approval for the remainder of funding from the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board.
3. Beavers
Virtually every conserved property stewarded by PFT is historic habitat for beavers, the system engineers for watersheds and nature’s fire control force. We launched an assessment of our cooperating landowners to identify where reintroduction was both feasible and desired, and also backed a new program to be developed at the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to accelerate beavers’ return.
4. Lightning Canyon Ranch
Working with landowner partners Bob and Cassie Hixon, we completed the conservation of the 2,098-acre Lightning Canyon Ranch, which contains a major tributary to Lake Shasta, Salt Creek. Despite a fire which burned through much of the property the very day after easement recording, the land is recovering well and continues to provide critical habitat for over 248 species.
PFT’s work relies on the generous support of individuals, foundations, and corporations. To help Pacific Forest Trust ensure water security, provide homes for wildlife, boost rural economies, and conserve carbon-rich, climate-resilient forests, please visit pacificforest.org/support-pft